We are happy to introduce SEPA Instant payments on Nordea Corporate in Finland. This payment type allows for making real-time, round-the-clock payments of up to 100,000 EUR to the entire Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). The amount may be higher if the creditor’s bank is part of a closed user group in the European Banking Authority (EBA).
What are the benefits?
With SEPA Instant payments, Nordea Corporate users can get permission to key in, confirm, edit, verify and delete payments, and view the payment history and details. Permissions for specific actions for payments on Nordea Corporate are the same as on Corporate Netbank. In Corporate Netbank, the payments created on Nordea Corporate can only be viewed.
Who can get access?
If you have access in Corporate Netbank to make payments from EUR accounts in Finland, you can already make SEPA Instant payments on Nordea Corporate – no additional access is required.
In order to make SEPA Instant payments, you need to log in to Nordea Corporate with Nordea ID or BankID – login with card reader is not supported.
You can also log in to Corporate Netbank with either Nordea ID or Bank ID and click the “Nordea Corporate > Payments” link in “Other services” to automatically log in to Nordea Corporate.
Try it on Nordea Corporate now.
Get step-by-step guidelines to use SEPA Instant Payments.