You can now manage file payments in a smoother way, as Corporate Access reaches our future platform, Nordea Corporate. On its way, it has had a revamp and now features a new and intuitive design to ease your workflow.
The upgraded Corporate Access file payments includes the same features as you know from Corporate Netbank, but with improved usability and better workflows. You can still automate the process with an integration or transfer files manually – and not least manage and confirm file payments and download reports.
What are the benefits?
- Actionable overview – clear overview of all payment files you can confirm.
- Better navigation – easy visibility of payment information when opening a file.
- Smooth file transfer – drag and drop to upload one or more files in one go.
- Improved usability – designed with your needs at the centre.
How can I access the new service?
If you already have access to file payments on Corporate Netbank, you will automatically have access to the new service on Nordea Corporate. (The administration of the permissions in Corporate Netbank Administration will be moved to Nordea Corporate at a later stage.)
You get there by logging in to Nordea Corporate with your Nordea ID or BankID (Sweden) – or by going to Corporate Netbank and following a link under “Other Services” in the “Nordea Corporate” section.*
We hope this piqued your interest and encourage you to switch to Nordea Corporate today for a more enjoyable banking experience.
To manage file payments click on Payments and File payments (see below).
To download Corporate Access Account Reports click on Accounts and Statements and advice (see below).
View step-by-step guidelines to using file payments
View step-by-step guidelines to using account reports
* To manage file payments, you need to log in with Nordea ID or BankID (Sweden) – login with card reader is not supported.