Total available and booked balance
The total balance sums the balance of the accounts you have selected and converts them into your baseline currency to give you an overview of the total cash balance on those accounts.
Booked balance
- Nordea Denmark, Finland and Sweden: The booked balance includes all transactions entered on the account at the time of the query.
- Nordea Norway: The closing balance of the previous business day.
- SWIFT accounts: The balance reported by the account holding bank as the closing balance.
Value-dated balance
The balance on the basis of which interest is calculated on the account.
- Nordea Denmark, Finland and Sweden: The value-dated balance for today shows the balance at the time of the query.
- Nordea Norway: The value-dated balance for today shows the value-dated balance at the end of the previous business day.
- SWIFT accounts: The balance reported by the account holding bank as the closing available balance. Whether the overdraft facility is included or not depends on the account.
Available balance
The available balance indicates the funds which are available to the accountholder at the time of the query.
- Nordea Denmark: The previous business day’s closing balance +/- transactions during the day + any overdraft facilities – any reservations. For accounts which belong to a multiple account credit facility, the shown available balance on the single account is the lowest available balance calculated for the multiple account credit facility and the account itself.
- Nordea Finland: The previous business day’s closing balance +/- transactions during the day + any overdraft facilities – any reservations.
- Nordea Norway: The previous business day’s closing balance +/- transactions during the day (also transactions with future value) + any overdraft facilities– any reservations + any daylight limit during the period of time the limit is available.
- Nordea Sweden: The sum of the interest–bearing balance + any overdraft facilities.
- SWIFT accounts: The balance is not available.