Forecast charts are available for some instruments. A forecast is a view on how the price for an instrument may move in the future.
Viewing forecast charts in Overview and Trading
If forecast charts are available for an instrument, the “Forecast” toggle above the chart can be enabled:
- At the top of a chart, enable the “Forecast” toggle
By default, the chart shows Nordea’s forecast and the forward curve. You can show the consensus forecast or hide any of the forecast charts by changing the settings:
- Click the
- Click “Chart settings”.
- Change the “Forecast sources” toggles to enable the forecasts you would like to see.
- Click “Save”.
Viewing forecast charts in Dashboard
- In the Market rates component in Dashboard, click the period selector.
- If forecast charts are available for the selected instrument, the "Forecast" option is available in the period selector. Select "Forecast".