In order to obtain a BankID, you must have a Swedish Social Security Number and be a customer of one of the banks that issue BankID. You can obtain it as a Nordea bank Swedish customer as follows :
You need to have BankID enabled as a log in method in Corporate Netbank. The Corporate Netbank administrator from your company can help you do so. If you don't know who your administrator is follow these steps.
Step 1 - Activating Bank ID on your mobile app
- Download the BankID app from the App Store or Google Play Store to your phone or tablet.
- Log in to "BankID Self-Service" with one of the following options:
- your personal code
- QR reader - Read, accept and sign the terms and conditions.
- You will now be automatically sent to where you can complete the download.
- Open the BankID app and scan the QR code you see on the screen. Scan by pressing the QR icon and pointing the mobile at the QR code. The QR code is valid for 10 minutes.
- Enable and allow notifications. Also allow BankID to use location information.
Step 2 - Your administrator must activate Bank ID for you
- The Corporate Netbank administrator from your company needs to log in to Corporate Netbank Administration and locate your user.
- Under "Authentication" the administrator must enable "Swedish Mobile BankID" as an Authentication method for your user.
When you get Mobile BankID from Nordea for the first time, your Swedish passport or Swedish national ID card may need to be scanned in the BankID app. This request is automatically displayed when you obtain your first Mobile BankID. Read more about ID control
Now you are ready to use your Mobile BankID.
For more help, visit
Mobilt BankID