Take advantage of FX Multi, a trading feature that easily lets you make multiple requests at the same time at the same spot rate for all trades.
Here’s how you do it:
Click on the “Trade now” button in the top menu.
Select “FX Multi” in the dropdown menu.
You now have to options for adding multiple trades:
- Manually add multiple trades
- Use Excel file upload to add multiple trades
Here’s how you manually add multiple trades:
- Start by selecting “Sell or Buy”, and then enter the trade details in the input fields below and click on the “Add request button”.
- You can easily add a note to each trade by ticking off the “Note” checkbox.
- The trade requests will be displayed one after the other on the right ordered by currency pair.
- If you want to edit, duplicate or remove a trade request, you simply click the three dots at the end of the line. From here it’s also possible to add or edit a note.
- When you are ready to get quotes for all trade requests in a given currency pair, you simply click on the “Request” button.
- When you are ready to complete the trades in the given currency pair, you just click the “Trade” button.
- A trade confirmation will be displayed once the trades are complete.
- If you need a print copy of the trade confirmations, click the “Print confirmation” link.
Here’s how you upload multiple trades with our simple Excel template:
Start by downloading our simple trading Excel sheet from the trading page.
- Fill in the trade requests in the excel spreadsheet.
- Upload the excel spreadsheet on the trading page.
- The uploaded trades requests will be displayed on the right side ordered by currency pair.
Executing the trades is the same as for manually added trades.