Many trades do not need to be confirmed after the trade has been booked. You can confirm the trades that do require confirmation online. Documents for trades that need to be confirmed have the status “Confirm required”.
To view and confirm trade documents requiring confirmation:
- Go to "Documents".
- Click the "Trade Documents" tab. If you have trade documents requiring confirmation, the text "You have X documents requiring confirmation" shows.
- Click "Open documents".
- In the trade document view, make sure that you agree with the details of the trade. If not, contact Nordea promptly.
- If you agree with the details of the trade, click "Confirm", then tick the checkbox "I confirm the contents of this trade document are accurate.", then "Confirm".
- If you have more than one trade document requiring confirmation, step to the next document by clicking the right arrow in the navigation bar at the bottom of the page, then repeat steps 4-5.