You can filter the trade list in the Trade Overview by value date, trade date, outstanding amount greater than 0, company, trade status or trader.
Filtering by date
To show only trades within a specific value date range or trade date range in the trade list:
- Click the text in the Value date or Trade date dropdowns to open the dropdown.
- Choose a preset option to filter on that date range.
- To specify a custom date range, click the [calendar icon] icon.
Filtering by outstanding amount greater than 0
To show only trades with an outstanding amount greater than 0 in the trade list:
- Open the Custom dropdown.
- Under “Outstanding amount”, choose “Greater than 0”.
Filtering by company
To show only trades for a specific company in the trade list (if you are managing multiple companies):
- Open the Custom dropdown.
Filtering by trade status
To show only open or only closed trades in the trade list:
- Open the Custom dropdown.
- Under “Status”, choose “Open” or “Closed” to show only open or closed trades.
Filtering by trader
To show only trades done by you in the trade list:
- Open the Custom dropdown.
- Under “Traded by”, choose “My trades”.