Document Archive is now available on Nordea Corporate for Swedish users.
It enables you to access your documents digitally on the platform.
As a Swedish Corporate user logging in from Nordea Corporate, you can now view and download the eRedovisning documents also on this platform, which you had earlier accessed from Corporate Netbank.
Main benefits of Digital Document Archive :
Users will be able to view and download the company documents digitally on the platform, based on their permissions.
User will be allowed to select the company for which they want to access the documents on the same page as other below selections.
It also allows the user to select a preset or custom period filter. It is also possible to select specific reference accounts related to the company for which it required to see the documents. There is also a search box available to search of specific texts to lookup the documents.
No need to go back and forth for company selection and other filter selections.
Filter selections once done on the Document Archive page will be stored as preference for next time visit to the page.
Filters available on Document Archive:
1. Company dropdown will allow you to select a company for which you would like to see the documents.
2. Period dropdown will allow you to select pre-set period or specific dates for which you would like to see the documents.
3. Category dropdown will have only one category for now, which is "Statements and reports".
4. Reference dropdown will have the accounts related to the selected company. The accounts will only appear if there are documents for the selected company in the selected period.
It will allow you to select the accounts for which you would like to see the documents.
5. Mark as read and Mark as New
It is also possible to Mark the Documents as Read or New
If all selected documents are with Status "New", then the "Mark as read" button will be visible, on clicking which, the status of the documents will become Read
If selected documents are with Status "New" and "Read, then the "Mark as read" as well as "Mark as new" button will be visible, on clicking one of which, the status of the documents will become Read or new respectively for the selected documents with other status.
6. Toggle to show new or all
You can see only the new documents related to specific company, account and period selection using the toggle available to show only new documents