The rights to use Cash Management requests on Nordea Corporate are granted by the company administrator, who can assign, revoke or update the access rights in Corporate Netbank Administration. Access rights are always specified individually for each user.
The access rights are found under the Services overview. The access rights categories for Cash Management re-quests are Accounts, Payment investigations and Cash Management Services:
Access rights categories |
Requests |
Country availability |
Open account in local currency |
Close account |
Disconnect account from cash pool |
Payment Investigations
Request for Swift copy |
Proof of outgoing SEPA/domestic payment |
Return incoming SEPA/domestic payment |
Recall outgoing SEPA/domestic Payment |
Additional information on domestic payment |
Additional information on cross border payment |
Cancellation of outgoing cross border payment |
Cash Management Services
Nordea account certificate |
Remove connected company in Corporate Netbank |
Remove administration rights in Corporate Netbank |
Open new Web service |
Close existing Web service |
Remove connected company from Web Service |
Change Web service administrator |
Rights can be assigned to one or more categories, depending on the type of Cash Management requests that the user should have access to. When access is granted to a category, the user can use all the request types within the category. Once the access rights have been saved, a new Cash Management button will appear at the top bar. By clicking the button, you can finish the set-up of access rights for the individual users.
The access levels are viewing rights or key-in rights. It should also be specified if the user should be able to submit requests by themselves or if a confirmation from other person(s) from the company is required. The access levels have to be specified for each category.
Please take a look at the video here for a tutorial on how to set up the access rights for users of Cash Management requests.